The last year has been one of highs and lows for Nebraska’s Big Rodeo in Burwell.
The highlight of the last year was being inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, CO. The rodeo committee was a member of an incredibly deserving induction group that included Trevor Brazile, Bobby Mote, Bobby Harris, Jake Beutler, the late Ardith Bruce, Mel Potter, PRCA Saddle Bronc horse of the Year Medicine Woman, and rodeo notable Cindy Rosser. In July, 2022, just two weeks before the 101st edition of Nebraska’s Big Rodeo was set to be held, the rodeo committee along with their spouses and several Garfield County residents traveled to Colorado for the induction ceremony.
The low point of the year for Nebraska’s Big Rodeo was the storms that hit the Garfield County Fairgrounds. The first storm came on May 12, 2022. The storm brought with it torrential rain, 110+ mph winds and hail that caused the destruction of the North Grandstands and damage to several other buildings on the grounds. A second storm came through the area July 16th, 2022 while the rodeo committee was in Colorado for the Hall of Fame Induction ceremony. This storm was not as severe as the storm in May, but also damaged parts of the fairgrounds. The community came together quickly, and volunteers jumped in and helped set up temporary grandstands for use during the rodeo for 2022.
Planning has begun for another great year of rodeo in 2023. The rodeo committee is working to make the 102nd year of Nebraska’s Big Rodeo as great as the years before it.